Mineral Sampling Methods in Flotation Test

Flotation machine flotation test mineral deposit sampling method, but used to take the beneficiation test sample is the main groove, delamination method, grid method, blasting and core splitting borrowing from several, is described as follows:
(1) core split emulated: When drilling as a means of exploration, the test sample can be split to take from the drilling core. Split take l / 2 or l / 4 as samples taken from core length should be through the deposit thickness is taken along the vertical split of the core centerline, and must be taken of the surrounding rock and stone folder. (2) full delamination sampling: if the quality of the samples taken in a roadway, the sampling area is small, you should use the full delamination sampling. The approach is: first work surface covered with canvas, and then all stripped off a layer of the exposed portion of the entire ore body, as a specimen collected in canvas. Disseminated ore, its depth should be 10 ~ 25mm, coarse-grained disseminated ore, and its depth is 50 ~ 100mm.(3) grid sampling method: This method is applied to the larger sampling area. Its approach is a sampling on the surface divided into diamond, square, rectangular grid sampling at the intersection of the grid. If so relatively uniform particle size and content of the mineral disseminated, the sampling points can be less, the intersection distance greater than 2m; if dissemination size and content uniformity, number of sampling points to a corresponding increase in the intersection between the distances along with the shrink. (4) blasting sampling: generally the pulse of the two walls in the exploration trenches wear on the roof, according to a predetermined specification drill blasting blasting. And then blasting the ore or shrink out as part of the sample. This method is used to require a large amount of sample and ore grade distribution uneven, and only for industrial test samples. (5) groove sampling method: cut in the son of a certain size, all the ore in the slot chisel as samples of the ore body. Groove sectional area is small; you can manually chisel to take off the larger, the shallow hole blasting caving, and then the artificial dressing. The groove should be in the mineral composition of the greatest change in layout. Groove distances should be consistent; the transversal cross-section of each tank should be equal. When the mineral is evenly distributed, multi-taken parallel to the slot, the uneven use of the spiral groove. Groove section of the rectangle and triangle. The groove depth is generally 1 to 10cm, width is 5 ~ 20cm. The specific operation is: cleared the sample surface, and then use the chisel to draw the boundaries placed on the canvas or metal work surface, in order to access the sample, then sampling groove.

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