Influencing Factor during the Classifying Process

1, the clay content and particle size grading to the material.
Grading to clay content in the feed or fine-grained level the more, the slurry viscosity the greater the smaller the settling velocity of mineral particles in the slurry, overflow product of the more coarse granularity; In this case, to ensure meet the requirements of the overflow fineness, may be appropriate to increase the additional water in order to reduce the concentration of the slurry. To a compound containing less mud, or off the mud after a treatment, it should be an appropriate increase in the concentration of the slurry in order to reduce the return sand entrained excessive fine grade materials.
2. Ore density and particle shape.
The same concentration and other conditions, the smaller the grading material's density,slurry viscosity, the greater the overflow granularity thicker; the contrary, classification logistics density increases, the slurry viscosity is smaller, overflow particle size becomes small, the increased content of fine particles in the return sand. Therefore, when the grading density of ore should be an appropriate increase in the classification of concentration; graded density of ore, should be appropriate to reduce the grading density. Flat mineral particles than the prototype or near the prototype mineral particles the slow sedimentation, classification should be used in pulp density, or is to speed up the rate of discharge of overflow products.
3. Trough and the inclination of the grading machine.
Trough and the inclination size not only determines the classification of the settlement area, and also affect the helical blade on the slurry stirred, and thus affect the quality of the overflow product, the small inclination angle of the trough and grading machine the size of the settlement, overflow fineness smaller return sand fines content increased; the inclination of the trough increases, reducing the size of the settlement, the coarse-grained materials fell more opportunities, overflow granularity thicker, but the return sand interbedded with fine less. Of course, after the installation of the grading machine, itsinclination is not changing, only the inclination to adapt in the operating conditions.
4. Level of the overflow weir.
Adjust the overflow weir height, and can change the size of the settlement area.Heightening of the overflow weir allows ore particles size of the settlement increases, the volume of grading zone also increases, the spiral degree of agitation of the slurry surface is relatively weak, so that the overflow particle size thinner. When the requirements of overflow from the coarse grain size, you should reduce the height of the overflow weir.

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Types of Grinding Medium and Its Significance

The task of grinding media is feeding the mill block material crushed and ground into fine powder. Just entering the mill material particle size of about 20mm, the final powder (sieve cannot exceed 15%) to be ground into less than 0.08mm. Grinding media has hit on just feeding chunks of material (coarse grinding position) grinding, supplemented, be broken. During this period they will inevitably ground between collisions. Strong voice in the mill operation, mainly from the coarse grinding positions. With decreasing particle size, down one position in the flow of grinding media turned mainly to drown the sound gradually weakened, finely ground sent outside the mill, the grinding media of different types and specifications of the different grinding position.
1 steel ball
Is the most widely used ball mill grinding body, a point of contact with the material in the grinding process, the impact of materials, mainly for the pairs of positions open in the first position (the feed side, but also coarse grinding position) pairs two positions, positions in closed-circuit grinding (coarse and fine grinding position). Balls between ∮ 15 ~ 125mm in diameter, according to the grinding process requirements, coarse grinding position is generally used in 50 ~ 110mm, fine grinding positions selected 20 ~ 50mm in a variety ball.
2. Just paragraph mill finely ground positions, material grinding, just (iron), can replace the ball, it's the shape of a short cylindrical or conical line contact with the material, abrasive, but the impact is used for fine position is more appropriate.
Just stick wet grinding commonly have a grinding body.
The significance of the grinding media grading
 With the size and quality of the steel ball diameter as grinding media grading. Graded directly affect the output of the mill and grinding media consumption. The grading factors to determine the main physical and chemical properties according to the grinding material, mill construction and product fineness requirements. Material in the grinding process, the start block, required a larger diameter ball impact crusher. With the fragmentation smaller required Xiaogang ball grinding materials to increase the grinding capacity of materials. Grinding media load the same under all circumstances, to reduce the size of the grinding media can increase the contact area of the grinding media, increase grinding capacity. The selection of ball specifications and particle size by grinding materials are related. The larger the particle size, are average ball diameter should also be large. Thus, grinding mill complete with a large diameter and small diameter body is not suitable, you must ensure that both must have impact on the ability, has a certain grinding capacity in order to achieve the purpose of high quality, high yield, and  low consumption.

Mineral Sampling Methods in Flotation Test

Flotation machine flotation test mineral deposit sampling method, but used to take the beneficiation test sample is the main groove, delamination method, grid method, blasting and core splitting borrowing from several, is described as follows:
(1) core split emulated: When drilling as a means of exploration, the test sample can be split to take from the drilling core. Split take l / 2 or l / 4 as samples taken from core length should be through the deposit thickness is taken along the vertical split of the core centerline, and must be taken of the surrounding rock and stone folder. (2) full delamination sampling: if the quality of the samples taken in a roadway, the sampling area is small, you should use the full delamination sampling. The approach is: first work surface covered with canvas, and then all stripped off a layer of the exposed portion of the entire ore body, as a specimen collected in canvas. Disseminated ore, its depth should be 10 ~ 25mm, coarse-grained disseminated ore, and its depth is 50 ~ 100mm.(3) grid sampling method: This method is applied to the larger sampling area. Its approach is a sampling on the surface divided into diamond, square, rectangular grid sampling at the intersection of the grid. If so relatively uniform particle size and content of the mineral disseminated, the sampling points can be less, the intersection distance greater than 2m; if dissemination size and content uniformity, number of sampling points to a corresponding increase in the intersection between the distances along with the shrink. (4) blasting sampling: generally the pulse of the two walls in the exploration trenches wear on the roof, according to a predetermined specification drill blasting blasting. And then blasting the ore or shrink out as part of the sample. This method is used to require a large amount of sample and ore grade distribution uneven, and only for industrial test samples. (5) groove sampling method: cut in the son of a certain size, all the ore in the slot chisel as samples of the ore body. Groove sectional area is small; you can manually chisel to take off the larger, the shallow hole blasting caving, and then the artificial dressing. The groove should be in the mineral composition of the greatest change in layout. Groove distances should be consistent; the transversal cross-section of each tank should be equal. When the mineral is evenly distributed, multi-taken parallel to the slot, the uneven use of the spiral groove. Groove section of the rectangle and triangle. The groove depth is generally 1 to 10cm, width is 5 ~ 20cm. The specific operation is: cleared the sample surface, and then use the chisel to draw the boundaries placed on the canvas or metal work surface, in order to access the sample, then sampling groove.

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The Impeller Shape Design of Flotation Equipment

The impeller is the most important parts of the mechanical flotation machines, impeller design, and the main consideration of the following issues: the stirring force to be appropriate
Should not be in the tank caused by the dynamic pressure head. This is because the dynamic pressure cause the unstable sub-constituency, surface turned spend, affectbubbles mineralization, reducing the recovery of useful minerals, an increase of unnecessary power consumption. By slurry circulation rate of the impeller, which is conducive to mineral particles suspended air dispersion and improve the sorting index. Reasonable line of the slurry flow in the impeller, wear light and even the form of reasonable, simple structure, low power consumption.
Another important role of the impeller is the dispersion of air, this impeller chamber with the air distributor. The air distributor can pre-air more evenly distributed in most regions of the rotor blades to provide a large number of pulps $ air interface, thereby improving the ability of the impeller diffusion of air and improve air dispersion.
Design theory based on the centrifugal pump, the impeller blade outlet installation angle! There are three cases, that is, leaves leaning forward, backward blade radial and leaves. To the leaf in terms of the theoretical pressure head when the flow dynamic pressure components in the total theoretical head corresponding less beneficial for the stability of the slurry liquid, in line with the requirements of the hydrodynamics of flotation machines. In addition to the large leaves flow, low power consumption, so a blade in the form in full compliance with the requirements of the fluid dynamics of the flotation machine. Specific speed is the main basis for determining the impeller shape, in terms of high specific speed pump, flow, pressure head is characterized by the small, on the contrary, the flow of small pressure head. Flotation machine impellers and high-rpmpump, due to the high specific speed pump impeller inlet diameter and a relatively large exit width, exit diameter and imports relatively small width, similar to that in the design of flotation machine impellers high than the shape of the number of revolutions of the pump impeller is in the right direction. Flotation machine object is a gas, liquid, solid three-phase suspension, but its role is far from simple transport, only centrifugal pump works is very difficult to determine the shape of the impeller of the flotation machine, but also must resort to experimental methods in order to gradually perfect the impeller design.

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The Introduction of Coal Processing Properties

The adhesion of the technological properties of coal, including coal, heat, chemical activity and thermal stability.
(1) The adhesion of coal.
Coal caking coal particles heated to a temperature in the absence of air under the conditions of melting, bonded to the performance of the focus block. General Roca index, gelatinous layer index.
The Roca index is an indicator that reflects the bituminous caking. It is based on bituminous coal in the heating process, the size of the colloid bonded to other inert material capabilities for the identification of coal as the basis for the bond index level of the bond and to determine the coal grades.
Glial layer index refers to the coal particles heated to a temperature in the isolation of air conditions, organic matter, thermal decomposition, softening into the thickness of colloidal substances, usually its maximum thickness of the Y values.
Roca higher the index, the better the adhesion of the coal. Glial layer the higher the index, the better coking properties of coal.
The bonding properties of coal by the coal rank of the coal, coal and rock composition, degree of oxidation, ash and other various factors. Coal ranks the highest and lowest of the coal is generally no adhesion.
(2) The calorific value of coal.
The calorific value of coal is coal is an important indicator. It is the heat per unit mass of coal produced by incomplete combustion, MJ / kg. The heat was a regular variation with coal rank, generally the higher the coal rank, the higher the calorific value of coal.
(3) Coal chemical activity.
The chemical activity of the coal is coal under certain temperature and the ability to respond to water vapor, oxygen and other interactions, is an important indicator to evaluate the gasification of coal and power coal.
(4) The thermal stability of coal.
The thermal stability of the coal is coal in high temperature conditions to maintain the ability of the original block. It is also an important indicator to evaluate the gasification of coal and power coal.

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How to Control the Speed of Impact Rotor

With the construction of the integration and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, as well as building, roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects, domestic and foreign markets is an urgent need to deal with large amount of broken effect, reliable operation of back-breaking. In this, the company from the crusher rotor speed point of view do the following resolution:
A counterattack broken rotor speed control and crusher size, material properties and product size. In general, the larger the impact crusher, rotor feet and weight is greater, the greater moment of inertia. Configure or adjust the appropriate power of the motor and reducer can effectively adjust the speed of the rotor.
Second, the impact crusher broken materials of different hardness and viscosity, the desired rotor speed. Usually broken brittle materials, the rotor speed should be 30% -40% large than the broken sticky hard materials.
Third, the impact crusher rotor speed control should be based on the product particle size. To increase the speed of the rotor, can increase the impact crusher, crushing ratio and product content of fine-grained level. But speed will significantly increase the power and will cause strong wear of the hammer plate and back plate. On the contrary, speed is too small will result in energy waste, product size is too large.
Our company back-breaking fully into account the factors of the crusher size, material properties and product size, rotor material quality, advanced design, speed and easy to control. In addition, the company is back-breaking scientific crushing chamber and the frame structure, a strong guarantee efficient and reliable operation of the crusher.

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Widely Utilization of Crushers in Current Society

In recent years, the countries are vigorously developing the infrastructure, however many of the construction industry are inseparable from the crushing plant. With the development of society, the enterprise of the crusher should follow the pace of development, innovation, continuous improvement, with strong market competitiveness The crusher has a very strong crushing, is widely used in many construction fields.
Repair highways, railways, building use to the cement, gravel, sand, etc., which ushered in the peak of the rapid development of mines, sand and gravel industry, production and use of mines and gravel crushing equipment, Therefore, the crushing machinery industry development gradually reaching a peak. Crusher broken even, and optimization of crushing the grain type, draw a new generation of energy saving with the international advanced level of similar products at home and abroad advanced technology development, efficient crusher, plays an irreplaceable role in its performance in a variety of ore crushing equipment, unique Liu riveting technology to increase the strength and toughness of the body, effectively reducing machine resonance, new hammer design, optimize material flows under the same power 30% higher than the old type of device yields a very wide application in the field of new materials processing. China is already the largest producer of the ranks of the crusher of our products have some advantages in the next few years due to the crusher to enter the international market has become an inevitable trend. At present, the prototype and technology introduction to China's high-end products and export products supporting more development prospects, the basic techniques and basic components a great investment opportunity.

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